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Our society is changing and I am concerned that it is not all for the better.  The years have demonstrated one clear fact...the Body of Christ must strive for unity in the strictest sense and model biblical values to clearly and distinctly demonstrate righteousness if we are to see a lasting imprint on the culture. We have allowed strife and petty jealousies to cripple the mission of hope and peace that we all share in and so often neglect to demonstrate to others. It is time for someone to say enough.  Enough!  We are called to unity.


Our site demonstrates our contribution and commitment to the paradigm of collaborative ministry.  We have specifically adopted these values so that God can use us for His Glory. We are called to preserve the Spirit of Unity in the bond of Peace and we diligently seek ways to exhort the brethren to love and good works.


Christian service is the natural expression and outpouring of our love and unity when we observe biblical precepts!  As we practically lift up the name of Jesus, He is faithful to draw men to embrace faith as a way to life change.


Faith makes all the difference in a world filled with hopelessness!

Just One Neighbor's Perspective

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